May 15, 2009 09:00 by Chris Serani

Perhaps I'll have to pick up a copy of NWN2 sometime just to see how things turned out! It's been fun working with you Adam. Here's looking forward to more future projects together.

May 14, 2009 03:16 by buckwheezer

The world awaits!!!

May 14, 2009 11:35 by Aengus

Avast! I bought NWN2 purely because I heard you were writing a module for it :D

May 14, 2009 11:32 by Adam

I'm trying to see if I can avoid the fancy stuff and just go with a simple system. There are some behind-the-scenes things that hopefully resist spam. Probably the most important thing is checking the comments periodically and deleting anything inappropriate.

We're really close to beta - maybe tomorrow. I just finished getting Daniel's new lines in the game and am about to start making a new game build. I'm trying hard not to be too excited - the beta testing is bound to find a few serious issues. Still, it's a relief to have a more public showing of things I've been working away on for the last year.

May 14, 2009 09:45 by XK

BTW, you also might want to enable a simple CAPTCHA for the comments section, or it may very well be overrun by spam bots in the future. (Not that CAPTCHA is a guarantee against the same, but it should filter out quite a lot)

May 14, 2009 09:22 by XK

Congrats! Sounds like the campaign is really getting close to beta. :)

May 14, 2009 08:19 by Adam

And it looks like I have the comments system working. Hopefully I can keep the spam to a minimum.

You cannot add to a post over one week old. Feel free to contact me directly.


Please keep your comments civil, as otherwise I'll have to do extra work, or turn it off entirely.
Comments are allowed up to a week after each post.