Well, I ran out of room in the user defined s...

February 16, 2003 by Adam in NWN1

Well, I ran out of room in the user defined section of the placeables.2da file. It's not a problem, but more of an indication of how much new stuff you'll see in the game. I spent hours yesterday nailing down a particular scene using a newly released custom creature. I modified the size and texture, added a bunch of scripting, and it has turned out far better than I thought it would. The attack animations aren't perfect, but I decided they were good enough.

In addition to the new custom content, I've also tightened things up a bit, polishing some of the older areas. I think I'm to the point where all the areas of the game are mapped. I have a few I need to connect and many I need to finish the scripting for, but I'm feeling I'm actually making progress. I have a fair amount of dialog to write yet, along with the usual journal entries and such that get left until the last minute.

I got a touching note from a young couple in Israel yesterday, letting me know they appreciated my modules and that it helped distract them from the current woes of their region. They mentioned that their computer was in their "safe room" and that my modules may get the distinction of being played while wearing gas masks if things get bad. Fan mail is always nice to get, but this one especially reached me. Though the events of the world seem overwhelming and unstoppable, maybe I'm helping in a small way somehow.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.