I've been happily placing trees throughout th...

April 28, 2003 by Adam in NWN1

I've been happily placing trees throughout the levels. Those and the flowers should make Evermeet look more like the isle of beauty I imagined. I also put some work into testing the scripting for the battlefield. So far, so good. I could leave the elves and attackers alone and they'd merrily battle it out for all eternity. Nothing fancy - just some respawn action to keep it interesting.

I played a bit more Bone Kenning last night. I think I'm approaching the end (though I could certainly be mistaken). There's a number of things I really enjoyed about it. The concept of a personal dwelling for the player turned out quite nicely and was integral to the story rather than just a cool place to hang out. There are some elements there that I've been tossing around for my next project. Seeing some of them in action has certainly helped solidify some ideas.

As for today, I'm hoping to get more battlefield scripting done. There are some quests that need solidifying for that entire battle sequence. Next is the actual assault piece. I got a working door in the barracks roof, which makes one of the centerpiece buildings much more effective.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.