I'm surprised at how long it takes to make a ...

June 02, 2003 by Adam in NWN1

I'm surprised at how long it takes to make a single tile, from the geometry to the walk mesh to all the SET and ITP file stuff. I'm also amazed that I'm getting the hang of it, cranking out a series of tiles yesterday that should round out the interior tile set quite nicely (pun vaguely intended).

The first is a very small, cramped room that I think will end up as a workshop or apothocary. I may crank out a few variations of this very simple room as it's so easy to work with.

The second project involved multiple tiles. I took Danmar's circular room corner, raised the height to 3.5 meters (the tileset standard) and started creating variations of it. There's currently a plain, doorway, and bed version of the tile. I think I like the one with the bed the most as I got the animation (candle flickering) and walkable bed just the way I wanted. I'd like to create a few more variations using this theme so that a variety of round rooms could be put together.

I also had a very interesting e-mail exchange with Papermonk from CODI. It looks like I'll be working in a friendly fashion with their folks as they're interested in sponsoring Planescape-related modules from the big name authors. There's a possiblity I can get some modeling resources or early access to their stuff. I'm hoping I get a cool logo or something. :)

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.