I think my Plane of Air is basically finished...

August 02, 2003 by Adam in NWN1

I think my Plane of Air is basically finished up at this point. I added a portal yesterday, as well as fixing some annoying shadow issues. It's looking relatively good and is at the "acceptable" level for my purposes.

The other thing I finally got working is the jump system. I had been dreading it a bit, as it involves modifying some .2da files I haven't touched before, as well as some things that looked good on paper but I'd never tested. It's rather complex, but basically works this way:

  • Player clicks on a jump point.
  • Player becomes cutscene invisible.
  • Spell is cast from jump start to jump destination, using the tainted model (the only reason this thing works is that players can only leap when in Tainted form, which is a single model).
  • The player is moved and reappears at the destination.
It works fairly well. I need to get a "jump" animation in there, otherwise it looks rather stiff and silly. There's also a game bug with the JumpToObject code. Sometimes there's a delay in the jumping. A few seconds later, the player appears in the right place. Hopefully it's something that'll get fixed in a patch soon.

I still have some Dreamcatcher bugs I want to try to track down before releasing my "SoU" version. Slowly getting there.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.