I managed to sneak in a little bit of scripti...

August 21, 2003 by Adam in NWN1

I managed to sneak in a little bit of scripting yesterday, working more on the extremely complicated initial cutscene. The player now moves from their home, to another place, back home, and finally back to the second place again (along with dialog and action). Pretty soon I'll need to incorporate the DLA sewer tileset and start in on that piece.

I worked a bit on the Queen's face today, trying to get something that didn't look quite so ghostly. It looks okay unless you disable the camera and zoom way in. Then it looks a bit stretched out, which was only sort of my intention.

Slowly getting there.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.