Here's another placeable I made yesterday

September 05, 2003 by Adam in NWN1

Here's another placeable I made yesterday. The floating symbols are emitters, appearing and slowly falling to the floor. It's pretty cool looking, which was the whole point.

Yesterday I spent most of my time scripting some new items. The magic circle is part of a system where you can cast a spell into a gem of spell storing, then later cast it out again. It's great for multiplayer, as one spellcaster can "lend" a spell to another. It's a one shot thing before it has to be recharged, so hopefully they're not too powerful.

The other system I put together is one of "gemmed" weapons. When traveling the planes, you may come across a powerful gem. You have the choice of simply using it (they cast spells) or inserting it into a weapon to give it a powerful effect. Right now I only have longswords and the scripting doesn't work quite right. Hopefully I can fix the bugs today and add in other weapons (hammers, axes, etc.). Of course, I'm not sure how much time I'll have today as my whole family seems to have come down with the flu.

Update: Excellent news. Just found out that the 1.32 patch will be for all languages. I was about to give up hope, but it looks like the SoU compatible versions of Dreamcatcher will finally be released. I'm hoping the final patch is out in a week or so, then I'll be updating a bunch of the modules and hak packs. Yippie!

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.