One of the things that I felt worked really w...

January 03, 2005 by Adam in NWN2

One of the things that I felt worked really well as a mini-game was the Demon Cards game. Even after months of working on it, it was still fun to sit down and play through some games. As such, I'd like to create a similar game for Dragon Age, using the new creatures, effects, and so on, as well as tying in themes from the new campaign (e.g. pirates, seafaring, and psionics). The hard part is that I have no idea what new creatures will be in the game, so most of it would be a guess on my part.

Still, there are a number of things I'd like to work on in order to prototype a new system. I'd like to fiddle with the way cards and decks are stored. Instead of a variable-based system, I'd prefer something inventory based that's more robust. As a side effect, the persistent world people would be better able to adopt it. I'd also like to rework the AI, switching to a weight-based system. There's also a number of cosmetic and balance changes I'd like to make, including making all new cards.

Like everything else I'm working on, we'll see how ambitious I really get. I've still got lots of work on the main plot, which I continue to scribble ideas for.

I've also been playing a little of Rome: Total War. Since one of Dragon Age's features is to participate in large battles, there's a good chance that players can control the massive armies. It's an interesting form of gameplay, one that I could see as being a useful addition to my campaign. I'd never want the game to be based around it, though, as story is still king when it comes to RPGs. Still, it might be fun to lead a charge into an oncoming horde, or command your troops to storm a castle. Good times.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.