This is a late posting, but I've got a couple...

November 18, 2005 by Adam in NWN2

This is a late posting, but I've got a couple treats for folks today. I made a request for a printing press the other day and popped in this morning to find it finished. It's amazing how fast Razvan works. He also fiddled with the latest ship a bit more, shrinking it down and polishing it up. I think it's one of my favorites of the bunch.

I met with Christian today to go over music in the first module. There's a number of changes, though most of them aren't too difficult. It's nice that he's paying such close attention to this one aspect of the game. I tend to be a bit more lackadaisical about such things.

I'm also knee-deep going through Arachnid's lengthy bug report. It's amazing how many little things I missed along the way. Fortunately there's not too many major ones, or at least I haven't gotten to that point yet. I think there's one really bad cutscene problem that I'll be working on this weekend.

Last night and this morning I worked on the second module. It's a fun and refreshing change to create new things. I snuck in a monkey paw magic item that's somewhat entertaining, as well as another unique item for Father Andrew of Brighton Church. I want to have a lot of interesting things for the player to spend their money on. I also filled up Port Brighton with assorted buildings, though most of them aren't populated yet. Still, it's feeling like more of a real town each day.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.