I finished cleaning up the card quest

July 12, 2006 by Adam in NWN2

I finished cleaning up the card quest. One of the things I'm doing in order to make it challenging is to give the opponent's avatar extra life. It was a trick used in the original Magic computer game from years back, and worked relatively well. It also makes the battles very tough. I managed to win several times, if barely. Plus I got to see a dragon battling a pit fiend, which was a treat to watch.

I also got the sub working in-game, meaning the player can polymorph into a sub and go through an underwater area. There's nothing especially dangerous or interesting about it at the moment, but the plan is to add that in next.

Finally, I think I figured out the source of a really annoying bug. For awhile now, henchmen have stopped following the player on occasion. It turns out that EffectCutsceneDominate is causing the issue. Even if I remove it later, they become idiotic and just stand there. Now I need to see if there's a workaround.

I really need to catch up on the QA reports today. I've been ignoring them for awhile as other pressing things call for my attention. Still, I'd like to finish polishing the second module so I can focus on the third one. I have a funny feeling that the toolset might be available sooner rather than later, at which point I'll likely drop everything and begin the conversion process.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.