Well, it's my birthday today

July 19, 2006 by Adam in NWN2

Well, it's my birthday today. 37 years. It's strange to think that I started my first NWN project nearly 5 years ago, and I played my first CRPG (Temple of Apshai) almost 30 years ago.

Periodically I try to show off the work of the team. Razvan's tower is nearly textured, though some on the team are ribbing him for making a fairly "cute" tower. Perhaps I'll surround it with butterflies and pink unicorns just to spite him.

EvilMulder continues to make some amazing nautical tunes, reminiscent of Monkey Island games. Though I'm sure my bandwidth-impaired server will hate me, I thought I'd link to a clip of his latest work.

PJJ is QAing the second module, giving suggestions on the High Seas system and pointing out all manner of bugs. He hit a big one recently, where one of the henchmen vanished after a major quest. Still, it looks like he'll be able to actually finish the module during his first QA session, which is a rare and wonderful thing.

As for me, I'm heading to the coast for a few days as a birthday present. I'll be without Internet connectivity, which hopefully means I'll have fewer distractions and can spend a lot of time on Dark Waters. Yesterday I finished the critical path for the Clockwork Man quest, though I still need to add in various extras. That leaves one more main quest for the third module, along with a ton of additional things I need to add in - sidequests, intro/conclusion scenes, and so on.

With NWN2 shipping in October, that should give me enough time to finish up the third module and possibly even start in on the fourth. Once I get the toolset, though, all my time will be spent doing conversions so that I can release as soon as possible.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.