Small creatures, such as the Rat have an inte...

October 23, 2006 by Adam in NWN2

Small creatures, such as the Rat have an interesting place in the Pirate Cards game. Though comparatively weak, there can be a big advantage bringing out a creature early in the game. If your foe only has large creatures, your pesky little rat may have a number of turns to slowly damage your defenseless foe. Also, rats work well in theme decks with other rats as well as the Rat King. Finally, cards like Pirate Horde, where all players draw extra cards, really help a small creature deck. Though Hellspawn and the Dragon are flashy, don't give up on the small creature decks.

I made some good progress on the module over the weekend. The fifth level is mapped, as is the maintenance level. Both need lots of polish before they're remotely ready. That leaves the five areas for the 6th level and two small outdoor levels, then I can call the first module fully mapped. I'm guessing I'll finish a bit after NWN2 hits the stores.

I spent some time over the weekend tinkering with getting the flintlock pistol in the game. I'm getting closer, but it'll take some fiddling yet. I also had a rough time getting new spells and feats in the game. They'd show up in the toolset with weird names. I may hold off until the final version arrives.

As for today, hopefully I can find some time to work on polish, which is never done. I'm pretty excited about an underwater area, which looks stunning. Now I just need to figure out how to work in some little fishies.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.