Here's a quick screenshot from the Brighton U...

April 21, 2007 by Adam in NWN2

Here's a quick screenshot from the Brighton Underground part of the second module. It's still pretty sparse in terms of placeables, people, and so on, but it's getting there. Yesterday I worked on getting all the scripts to compile, but otherwise haven't had a lot of time to work on the new stuff.

Instead, I've sunk a lot of time cleaning up the old things. I have a version of the Pirate Cards game that has weightless cards. It wasn't as hard as I thought and the difference is pretty huge. While 1 lb playing cards are okay for a mini-game, it's completely unacceptable for the real campaign.

I also sunk a lot of work into the first module, going through the bug reports that Bjarne has been gathering from the Vault boards. Here's my bug fix so far:

* Fixed possible issues with Heather not being removed during Cable Car cutscene.
* Added "just in case" scripts to remove soldiers after Remembrance: War.
* Fixed dialog where Daniel calls Heather "Heather" instead of "Kendra".
* Changed lighting in the gardenhouse area.
* Fixed issues with deities.2da. Made Kendra's deity "No Deity" and Daniel's "God".
* Added "just in case" scripts on 3rd level to ensure Daniel and Kendra aren't with party.
* Better indicated where bubbles are in maintenance level (note that they still can't been seen unless
the camera is underwater).
* Changed Robert's weapon focus to Greatsword.
* Changed control panel valve creation system to hopefully fix the "missing #1" issue.
* Gave Heather and Robert full hit points from the start.
* Added "Help! I'm stuck!" to 1st level after Robert battle in case things go wrong.

I want to do a bit more testing and look at some of the quirkier issues that people are reporting. Hopefully I can turn out a new version this weekend that is relatively bug free.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.