Since I didn't have a screenshot for yesterda...

May 31, 2007 by Adam in NWN2

Since I didn't have a screenshot for yesterday, I decided to put together a short little movie. I doesn't show too many new surprises, just some peeks of the new setting and showing off some of the voice acting. Speaking of dialog, it took me forever to get the lip synching to work properly. I kept crashing the game until I realized that there's all these hoops I need to jump through in order to get it to work right. Eventually I remembered it all and got the lips moving in a semi-realistic manner. As before, it's "fake" lip synch, meaning the lips move but they're not related in any way to the sound clip (other than approximate length). The tool to make your own lip synch animations was never released publicly. Finally, I sunk in some testing time for the Chronomancer quest. I made some changes to the way I handle "door conversations" (when you talk to a door instead of opening it). Instead of a real door, I ended up creating a door placeable, which turned out quite well. After I got in the front door, though, there was lots of work to do. The camera angles were off, the dialog froze at a certain point, and the area was particularly sparse. I added some placeables and a couple cameras, though it'll take a fair bit more of work to fix things. Slowly getting there. Update: I just uploaded the 1.04 patch for the first module. As always, you'll have to restart if you want to play it. Mostly it fixes some annoying semi-random cutscene lockups.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.