I got the last of six songs in the game

April 08, 2008 by Adam in NWN2

I got the last of six songs in the game. The title is "Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny", which is exactly as awesome as you might suspect. The song itself is hard to play, but fun. My first time through, it turns out some double notes made it in the game, which are impossible to play using my wacky dialog method.

There's now visual confirmation when you play a note correctly. I'm also tracking notes played correctly, a score multiplier, the score, and a "power" rating. If you play eight notes, an effect is played. In practice mode, these are just nice visuals. When in combat, the effect will damage opponents. If you've played flawlessly, the damage will be increased depending on the score multiplier.

Different songs will have different special effects. There's also some nice choices to the player. With a simple song, it's easier to play it well, which increases the power of the effect. With more complex songs, it's harder to keep your power multiplier up, but there are lots more notes and the effects happen more quickly. Hopefully today I can actually get some of that worked out.

I continue to work on a patch for DW2. James Gray voiced one of the missing NPCs, actually managing to pull off a Jamaican accent. He's also done a couple characters for the Alphabet Assault module, which is relatively finished.

Oh, and it looks like Dark Waters 1 won the Bronze award for last year's Module of the Year contest. Many thanks to all of you who voted. I'm thinking DW2 is a stronger contestent for this year, and hopefully DW3 will be well received as well. Though I'm sure I'd carry on regardless, it's nice to get these little moments of recognition.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.