Good progress today

December 19, 2008 by Adam in NWN2

Good progress today. I went through many of PJJ's bugs, though there are a few I need to investigate. I had a few scripting issues, a couple typos, some missing journal entries, and the occasional weird inexplicable problem. The latest patch caused a trigger issue right off the bat, causing a key conversation not to fire.

PJJ pointed out that a lot of the Port Brighton conversations in DW3 are the same as DW2, so I have some writing ahead of me.

QA work isn't particularly glamorous, but it simply must be done.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.