The Adventure Begins

March 29, 2009 by Adam in NWN1

My ten year-old son has never played through any of my mods, despite being an avid gamer. I haven't worked with my NWN1 modules in years, so it was fun when he and I decided to play through cooperatively. I'll see if I can document our assorted adventures, and perhaps include a bit of commentary along the way.

We started off Shadowlords 1 in Scornubel, he playing a dwarven fighter and I an elven mage. We wandered around town for awhile, helping out the villagers. Eventually we ran across Thistle, and discovered we couldn't progress until we found a ring he was accused of stealing. While barging into houses and shops, we ran across the boy who had taken it. After telling him his mother was looking for him, we got the ring.

To celebrate, we broke into the store's back room, killed the shop keep, and killed the thieves who lived there.

Eventually the ring was returned and we were off to the ghost town of Eureka. Being the brave explorers, we headed into an abandoned house and poked around. Interestingly enough, the creature scaling system decided to throw a zombie at us that was immune to non-magical weapons. It quickly became a boss fight and we died multiple times before dozens of magic missiles felled the foul beast.

And with that victory under our belt, we called it a day.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.