Cry for Help

May 19, 2009 by Adam in NWN2

I got e-mail from a couple brave souls who volunteered to test things out over the weekend, as well as a few people in the comments. Two of them quickly ran into strange problems, though fortunately I don't think they're due to problems in the module.

In one case, I think it was due to the "irolltwenties" cheat resulting in thousands of skill points for Heather when leveling her up. In another, I think continuing from a previous save caused weird behavior and crashes. Unfortunately save games seem to hold on to old campaign scripts, which can cause bizarre behavior and crashes.

I also had one person (Hild), who managed to finish the module, which was very exciting. They reported a couple issues, which I want to look into in more detail.

I thought I'd put out the call to others, hoping to swell the ranks of these brave men and women. It would be great if a few others could join in the testing.

I still want to putter around with the epilogue some more myself. There are so many variations that it's challenging to test them all. I think there are some character-specific mentions that are dropped under certain circumstances.

Still, it's very exciting to get things out there and at least get one person to finish.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.